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We engage in community activism to shift harmful gender attitudes, roles and social norms as effective approaches to reduce violence against women, girls and children at the community level as well as design school-based interventions to prevent unruly dating or sexual violence with a focus to transform gender relationships among young people in the society.

We have worked with individuals and couples to reduce alcohol or substance abuse and have designed interventions for young people access to health care services

Innovative Social Engagement Programme (ISEP)
We work to fill the gaps between education and entrepreneurship by networking with individuals and organizations to build connections for the understanding of the strands that can strengthen the resilience of our communities in order to chart a path for economic self-reliance for the youths through training and mentorship to improve access to jobs before, during and after academic engagements as a basis for a proficient social enterprise.

Entrepreneurship education: Our research has also revealed that entrepreneurship education in primary and secondary schools are the biggest weaknesses experienced within the local context. We work to address the fundamental question on how education can offer the youths the knowledge and skills they need to get and create decent work without depending on their academic qualifications. We see that entrepreneurship education can equip the youths for work in either public or private capacity and build self-confidence, free thinking and a state of independence for young people in the society.
Development of the Value Chain of the Cultural and Creative

Industries (VCCCI):
We have identified that the resilient attributes of individual creativity, collective cultural intelligence and a sensible exploitation of the offerings of the natural environment to restore livelihoods have the capacity to regenerate the understanding of the diverse cultural expressions and strengthen the value chain of cultural activities in the region. This ranges from the creation, production, distribution and sharing of cultural experience and the final consumption of products to achieve a strong Social Enterprise.

In the Cultural sector, we work to rejuvenate the creation and production of Visual Arts and Crafts across the gender divide and break the barriers that would impede cultural expressions to forestall the danger of extinction and eventual loss of cultural expression by the younger generation to safeguard the already dwindling fortunes in the sector from being completely decimated.

In the Creative Sector, our research has revealed that about 20 percent of the Youths are engaged in the growing self-employment activities in audio-visual media (Video Coverage) productions, photography, barbing and hair dressing saloons, fashion and costumes designs, radio and television production skills, musical and performing arts, computer designs and graphics, festivals and events management.

While most of these creative skills are ingenuous with the individual artists or learned through training and mentorship on skills development, we work on the contents and presentation to impact positively on our commitment to building a virile Social Enterprise within the context of our work and this forms the basis of our interest to strengthen the value chain of the cultural and creative industries as a supportive pillar in the social enterprise in the region.
Heritage, Arts and Culture

We bring our understanding of the value of cultural heritage to the social and economic development to bear on our commitment to building a social enterprise. The effective management of heritage resources can enhance social inclusion, develop healthy intercultural dialogue and shape the identity of the emerging multi-cultural setting which can lend themselves to social and an inclusive economic growth if used in the right way.

We work to ensure that the skills and knowledge that people accumulate within the course of their lives can be employed culturally in a way that it can yield economic gains and build a sustainable social enterprise through the instruments of culture, nature and the natural environment.

Our heritage education programmes and engagement with Schools has connected us with the collective past and create space for cultural expressions thereby enhancing the recreation of specific memories and histories that builds a strong social capital to strengthen the personal and collective resilience beginning from the tender age to the later years of life.

Our Cultural Programs are designed to open functional doorways for tapping new opportunities to enrich the cultural and creative industries through the rejuvenation of traditional ideas, skills and technologies and to preserve them for generations to come. We promote authentic traditional festivals and protect the biodiversity to pave the path for cultural reconciliations and integration to achieve sustainable development of rural communities in Nigeria.
Based on all these, we consider inclusive education as the most effective long-term measure that can increase the number of decent jobs for the youths and build a sustainable social enterprise and a future economy founded on inclusive education from the primary, secondary or tertiary levels.

COVID-19 Response Plan

Together with The Unstoppable Women Development Organization (TUWDO), we have carried out extensive community sensitization and awareness raising programmes on the reality of COVID-19 pandemic and have highlighted the importance of social distancing, personal hygiene and community health to counter the spread of diseases in the society.

Presently, we are building local capacities on the Response Plan and strengthen compliance to the Preventive Measures to engender understanding and cultural compromises to meet the exigency of COVID-19 pandemic.

Social Enterprise

We have programmes set to support social resilience and build capacity among the youths in our communities and the results have been that of expressive insights that lend credence in the value chain of the cultural and creative sectors in the society thereby knotting one of the critical junctures in the Social Enterprise.

The new challenges facing our environment today have renewed our concern to strengthen the strands that connect our shared human experience and build trust for an inclusive growth and sustainable development of our communities.

Our Youth Mentoring Programme is designed to open new doors of opportunities for entrepreneurship development in order to showcase ingenious creativity and add commercial value to the Social Enterprise supportive to the systemic and institutional framework at local and international levels.

Community Intervention

We engage in grass root community programs in regards to harmful norms and practice that affect young girls and women, mortality and morbidity of children and access to quality health care service


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