CYDPAN Drives Community Action Against Gender Based Violence in Okopedi Market

In a proactive move to address the pressing issue of Gender Based Violence and mark the 16 days activism, Centre for Young People Development and Poverty Alleviation Initiative, (CYDPAN) organized a one-day campaign at Okopedi market in Okobo Local Government Area, leaving an indelible mark on the community.

The one-day campaign is one of the serial campaigns organized by CYDPAN as part of its educational mission and community engagement goals.

During the outreach, CYDPAN engaged local traders, buyers and community members in a series of interactive sessions, discussions, and educative activities, exposing them to the critical nature of GBV and the dangers it poses to women and girls.

The campaign aimed to educate and sensitize the community about the various forms of GBV, while fostering and promoting a safer and more inclusive environment for women and girls.

The team while interacting with the locales delved into the nuances of GBV, addressing physical, emotional, and economic abuse.

The campaign served as a platform for community members to share experiences, ask questions, and learn about effective ways to prevent and address GBV.

The campaign didn’t stop at discussions; CYDPAN distributed flyers and posters containing crucial contact information for local support services, legal aid, and counseling centers.

The market sensitization on GBV drew significant attention and active participation from the community.

The eager traders exhibited increased awareness, demonstrating a willingness to take a stand against GBV and a commitment to creating a more supportive environment for survivors.

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